Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 35 VLCD Planned interruptions

With upcoming holidays and vacations, it is often hard to decide when to move on to another round, have a planned interruption, or how long to carry your current round. This is a personal question and for myself there are many factors... How close are you to goal, what is your emotional and mental state? How have your losses been, physical conditions, and of course you must ask yourself of the reasoning... Most people that have tried multiple diets have done so for a variety of reasons... so if you are thinking of quitting, taking a break, or even cheating, do a moral inventory and ask yourself 'why'... and listen to the answer!!! A wedding or anniversary only happens once... tho if it's something you can plan for, do so... births, holidays, vacations, etc, they all can be enjoyed in many ways without jumping in the deep end. Moderation didn't land us in the 'overweight' and 'obese' category, continuous and repeated self abuse did. So, when considering which path you 'should' take, chances are you already know the answer, this is a journey, a process, and a lifestyle... that said, speak to someone and get the guidance if needed and love yourself enough to choose the right path for you!

Day 32-34 VLCD

Feeling rejuvenated, I've taken up golf! I will never allow another to say it is not a sport again! If you've ever tried it then you know! If you are on P2 then I would advise no more than a 20-40 ball bucket at the driving range. I have to admit, I've always liked the stylish outfits and the challenge of the game has me intrigued... I will be reporting more as this unfolds! I have heard many times from those who have lost weight how they are now enjoying new activities, returning to ones they've had to quit, and always searching for adventures not yet experienced... Golf would be one everyone should experience!

Side note, every man has agreed... nothing is more enjoyable than a woman that loves to golf... Every woman has agreed... nothing is more enjoyable than winning a game of golf!!

Happy releases !

Day 31 VLCD

I will be brief, picking up the 'other' half at the airport late this evening and this weekend is ours... There's been shopping and cleaning to do, errands to run and today I'm just relaxing, enjoying the peace and quiet. It's not too often that we get warm weather in Anchorage and today is a day in the low 70's making it perfect for open windows, a visit to the park, and a walk in peace! I have found for myself personally that this journey is one best shared with my higher power. Getting to know both myself and Thy self better has made all the difference. If you haven't taken the time to do so, take a moment and talk to yourself, listen to your body, spend a few moments in active meditation coupled with active meditation, ask for the answers you seek, and be sure to write them down... Miracles are happening all around us every day... each breath we take is proof of that! Enjoy your weekend, your journey, and happy releases!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 28-30 VLCD Reshaping and firming

Very busy days with shopping, cleaning and work... scale is up as I'm up early and inches are down! 164.2 is a great way to head into the weekend... As I am just under ten lbs from my last end weight the distribution is different from what it was four months ago! Reshaping is happening, the legs are more defined and arms firmer... waist is smoothing around the edges and the lumps and bumps that were there are nearly gone! I hear all the time the fears of 'loose skin' and I'm here to tell you, just as I was told, it will diminish as the time passes... there are things you can do to help that process! Skin brushing, MSM, and stretching, massaging yourself. These are just a few of my favorite methods however there are many more... Understand that your skin will firm up over one year, after that you are basically done... you can at that point do another short round for finishing touches. If you've been following my blog from the beginning you know this is my 'nearly half way to a year reshaping round' I've lost a shoe size, three ring sizes and many bra sizes! Using a measuring tape to track your own progress is a wonderful way to keep motivated, see the changes and put a number to the physical... Seeing a difference is more than a picture, new pair of jeans, or the looks we get from others... it's a mental picture and changing that one is motivation in ways that can't be described in words! What change have you loved the most, and why... hold on to that and it will keep you going! Happy releases and sweet dreams!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bruchetta P2

Using homemade or store bought melba toast are ok in this recipe.
Using skim milk cottage cheese place a dollop on your melba toast, followed by a slice of tomato, piece of onion, and then season to taste with salt and pepper! For a fancy appetizer you can top with cilantro. These are great fun to snack on and require little cottage cheese leaving plenty for cheesecake or a delish strawberry n cottage cheese salad!

Creamy Asparagus Soup P2

4 spears cooked Asparagus
1/4 C skim milk cottage cheese
1/4 C water
1/8 C diced onion
salt n pepper to taste
*Puree all ingredients in blender, heat in saucepan till warmed through and serve! You can choose to omit onion from blending and add to saucepan while warming. Season your soup any way you like to spice it up, curry, garlic, basil, even celery makes for some yummy variations! Celery can also be substituted for asparagus for cream of celery soup!

Day 27 VLCD Whoo Hoo to Miracle Shower weight loss!

When looking at the week ahead, I've got some cooking to do! 4 days of chicken weighed, cooked, and ready. Shrimp weighed, cooked, ready! Cabbage n onion cooked, portioned, ready... whew... tomorrow off to the store for lettuce, tomato, onion, cute little bottles of water for purse, coconut oil, lemons, and checking the mail for Capella drops!! Also... it finally happened... I took a shower and weighed less after the shower by 1.3 lbs?? The crazy 'miracle' of the shower weight loss happened to me! I ask others, are you scrubbing off lbs of skin? Isn't hair heavier when wet? And of course... you must be tinkling in the shower??? !!! Nope, tho I did notice some bloating subsided... so... My final thoughts on the miracle shower shrinking... reduction in swelling = reduction in weight! Who knows, however I'll agree that it is a lovely way to end the evening! Happy releases and sweet dreams! Tomorrow I'll be posting some of my favorite P2 recipes!

Day 25-26 VLCD It's Father's Day weekend...

This can mean a time of joy and celebration or of great stress... even depression as we think of those we've lost. How to cope??? We all have our ways don't we? Some shop, some visit, some have elaborate parties, some simply pretend it's a day like every other... and some CHEAT!!! There are many reasons we do what we do however the bottom line is, it's still our choice! Did you plan ahead, reflect back on other holidays? What ever your plan of attack, mine was simple... Keep Mushing! I celebrated with good friends, honored my Father and those that have been father figures in my life and had some amazing meals all on protocol... reward = 3lbs loss! If you faltered this weekend, or were successful, take a moment to analyze it... how did you make a success, or what could have been different. Taking a moment to reflect can make the next hurdle that much easier. Two weeks to go till this round ends, I am taking it day by day... already the inches are moving around and I can see the 'firming' goal of this round happening! Again, if you finish your rounds and don't like the 'shape' noworries, enjoy the P3 n P4 and in 4-6 months you can do another round to polish those edges... plan it with your medical provider, keep in mind, after a year our skin has 'shrunk' all it's going to, so use the year wisely and love the you that's you! Happy releases and sweet dreams!

Day 24 VLCD Shedding the unwanted 'other' weight

I've had the pleasure to be a part of several on line support groups and in every one of them there is a constant... 'fake fb pages' to protect anonymity! I myself have added friends to share recipes and advice as well as to give support. I understand the need for privacy however there is a deeper concern. Some of these ladies as well as men are harassed, teased, judged, even un-friended and blocked after being ridiculed for HCG. One lovely lady's own sister called her a bi*@h at a family gathering for having lost over 50 lbs! I understand that we all have roles we play in our friendships and in our families and to open yourself up and to have honesty can at times lead to hurt and pain... however I shall share with you some words of wisdom that were shared with me 15 years ago... You Don't Want Those People In Your Life! We have enough struggles and hardships, as well as challenges and hurdles in our lives to have to be challenged and hurt by 'friends and family' When you are no longer fulfilling the 'fat person' roll, or the jolly aunt at Christmas, or the friend that makes everyone else look skinny, and you're targeted for that... well my friend, they never saw the YOU that was inside and they as well as their energy, and all the extra lbs you're shedding have got to go!!! We carry far more weight in life than merely lbs on our body and you will be amazed at the difference when you are shedding ALL the unwanted garbage! Keep shedding those lbs n inches, and the rest of your dead weight... I did!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 21-23 VLCD

Well where to begin... grocery shopping and of course that means Costco! Heads of lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, tomato, celery, garlic, onion, and of course a box of oranges! I love the smell of the food court, all those tempting aroma's and there I am smiling, just waiting to get into the car and rip into a big fat juicy head of lettuce! I actually snack on it the whole way home smiling to myself! On these shopping trip days I am in for one or two days of cooking to follow... I buy the chicken by the 20 bag so it's a lot of cutting and weighing, marinating and wrapping for the future. Even if you're cooking for one it's a great idea to plan meals in advance, to always have a back up and allow a full day to the cleaning, prepping, cooking and again... cleaning that goes into a week's worth of meals. There have been nights that I get home and all I can do is grab handful's of lettuce, top with cottage cheese and strawberries, swirl and enjoy! I use the egg n cottage cheese days as 'emergency didn't plan' days. Ok, nice break, almost caught up, more tomorrow! Happy releases and sweet dreams...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Curry Fried Rice P2

Using a raw head of cauliflower and a cheese grater, grate about half a head of cauliflower or 1 cup of cauliflower 'rice'
1/4 c diced onion
1/2 tbs curry powder ( I like 2 tbs personally so have fun and try more or less to taste)
1/2 tbs mustard powder (again, I like 2 tbs)
Garlic is optional, as powder or minced (if minced then saute with onion)
2 tbs coconut oil
1 serving of protein, cooked (chicken or shrimp work very well in this recipe!)
*Saute the onion on med heat with about 1/2 tbs coconut oil until onion begins to turn clear. Add the remaining coconut oil and 'rice'. Turning the 'rice' every few min, allow it to brown between turning. Continue this process for about ten to fifteen min. At this point you can add the curry n mustard, and protein choice (garlic as well) and toss till well blended. Continue to heat for 2-3 min till protein is heated and then serve and enjoy!...

Cole Slaw P2

1 c shredded cabbage (red and/or green)
2-4 stalks diced celery
2 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs ACV
2 tbs warmed coconut oil
2 tbs diced onion (I prefer more!)
1 tbs minced garlic
salt n pepper to taste
stevia optiona for a 'sweet n tangy' cole slaw
Combine all ingredients for dressing, pour onto cabbage n celery mix, toss till well coated and then chill and serve!

Chicken Noodle Soup P2

100 grams chicken cubed, or made into meatballs
2 tbs onion
1/4 c celery
Bok Choi or cabbage
*Place all ingredients into a pot with 2 cups of water, bring to a boil then reduce to simmer for 15 min. Depending on your taste preference you may season with garlic powder, cayenne pepper, basil etc... Prepare your miracle noodles and add to soup at the end of heating. The miracle noodles may be left out and a wonderful chicken soup enjoyed!

* To make a delicious chicken broth to be used at any time simply cook your chicken breasts in a slow cooker for 3-4 hours with seasonings of choice. Remove chicken, cool the broth and skim off any remaining fats... this broth can then be used in recipes, frozen for later use, or sipped on as a filling snack... have fun and enjoy!

Baked Stuffed Tomatoes P2

100g lean ground beef
1 large tomato hollowed out and drained
1tbs minced onion
1 tsp garlic minced
cayenne pepper to taste
dash of salt to taste
*Brown beef, drain fat and rinse or pat dry. Return to pan on low, add spices and onion, heat for 2-3 min, then pack into tomato halves, place in oven safe dish. Add 1/8 c water to dish and bake at 350 for 20 min.
* You can prepare several servings of the meat to heat and pack into tomato's later, however do not pack until ready to bake.
* How to prepare tomato... Hollow out tomato, sprinkle with salt and turn upside down on paper towel to drain for ten min. Take a thin slice fro the ends to help them 'sit' up in baking dish after stuffing!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 18-20 VLCD Jumping off the wagon!

Life has dealt me quite a hand with an abscessed tooth, Tom and quite a few other things... Just as my plate filled up with tough to chew meats I learned quite a bit about myself. I've heard that life is not measured by this or that and to be blunt, life is what we make of it! I do not measure a moment in time as a definition of self, it is a culmination of events and processes that bring us to the here and now. I am here and now is the time to focus on phase 2. My 21st day on the very low calorie diet and I have found myself in familiar territories. I jumped off the wagon and face planted in the pile of yummies that put on my 100 pounds of weight I set out to loose a year ago. I chose to jump, and I now am without regret, back on the diet, loving myself. I loved myself with every chocolate doughnut, jalepeno popper, and scoop of peanut butter too, however not in the long lasting love that I deserve! We are all different and for our own reasons we are hand to mouth with nutrients that are both good and bad for us. I turned off the ringer, opened the fridge and made a choice. That choice was just as easy/hard, as the choice to follow the diet. Let it be known, it is just as much work to put on weight as it is to lose it... just as the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, they have a higher water bill and when we stop pulling the weeds in our flower bed it is to be expected that we will find new 'friends' growing, just as the lbs n inches grow... so, there is not an easy fix to our weights, there is however a new day to discover new drive, energy, and self... I have taken that day to self discover and now it's on to the next 20 days of VLCD!! Join me in that journey and let's enjoy the onederland that is ours for the taking! Happy releases!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 17 VLCD

Full day of cooking here, making chicken meatballs, marinating breasts in bbq sauce and curry stock! Tomorrow it's slow cooker for chicken stock! Made delish cabbage n onion, sweetened with stevia and spiced with curry n mustard! Last but not least, some more CD! I do hope to buckle down tomorrow and get some more recipe's up here, I've been making a kitchen friendly batch of recipe's on index cards... aka 'laminated cards!' I'm also pleased to announce: New Capella drops showed up making it Christmas in June for this kitchen! I'll be whipping up some more cheesecake tomorrow as well and trying my hand at some fresh strawberry jello made with Knot's gelatin... I'll report back later, for now it's off to a hot detox bath, some ebay with the phone for more findings, and planning my route of attack for tomorrow's yard sales! Happy releases and the sweetest  of dreams!

Day 16 VLCD

Ahh... Day two of reload, not much to say at this point other than I feel FULL! I will be just fine if I never endure another load day in my life! It's amazing to look back on our lives and know that this was a norm at one point or another... I remember eating an entire foot long from subway all to myself, drinking out of the two liter and finishing one myself in less than a day... sadly there were also those times that I polished off an entire box of doughnuts... days that my fuel was a mere 6 latte's and nothing more... Cigarettes were a norm, late night studying and early morning classes. It is no wonder my body is in the shape she was... I am changed from this journey and looking back all I can say is THANK GOD there was a path for me to take towards a healthy me... a far different path from the one I knew so well. There was a day I looked in the mirror and saw my step mother's body staring back at me. I was in sheer terror, I became obsessed, depressed and lost hope at ever letting free the beautiful me. It is only once you have felt that terror that you can truly understand the miracle that is HCG. I had heard a woman once explain to me how her weight affected her life. I felt empathy however true understanding was not possible, until the day I felt the sheer ton of my 'weight' bearing down on me. It is true there is much to change besides the food, there is an emotional component that needs addressing. I do hope that if you are on such a life changing journey as I am, that you find some spiritual and or emotional guidance, counseling, or support, which ever it may be that works for your 'self change' please find it... keep searching till it's 'right' and once you have it, never let it go! You are worth it! Many blessings, sweet dreams, and happy releases!

Day 15 VLCD

It's been decided... I am reloading today! Not much of a reason to celebrate however I am looking forward to getting my body back on track. It would seem there are times that a mid cycle reload is appropriate and I for one am not arguing with the results! I will be busy stuffing myself all day and cringing at the thought of tomorrow's weigh in. However, true to form, the 'loading' weight is most always gone withing two to three days and to rid myself of this insatiable appetite and balance my nutrients, kick out Tom... well that alone is a great reason! Happy releases everyone!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 14 VLCD

True to form, no ripping of the hairs last night and down .9 to 166.3! I am looking forward to the 165 I hope tomorrow will bring... I have been contemplating a 'load' day. It is thought that when you are continuously hungry you have not done your load properly and at that point it is acceptable to do another 'mini' load at the 20 day mark... I am not sure as to if this is the 20th day of vlcd or day 20 from start of HCG. I will have to ask the doctor tomorrow. Even my dreams are filled with peanut butter, brownies, sushi, won ton's, pizza, and glorious almonds and walnuts! Lol... don't be fooled by my choices of food, they are all appearing in p3 form! I love my losses, and as close as I am, I encourage everyone to seek for the most pleasant of journey. This is not a road of torture and we all need support to make this trip. I have a wonderful support system and it has made all the difference. As I explore amazing new recipe's and find new ways to 'spice it up', I also have to listen to my body as you do to yours. Having my cycle continue for the length of weeks brings to concern other health concerns of iron levels. Without trying to self correct these topics on my own, I do enjoy the blessing of an amazing nurse and ANP. Find your supports, find you comfy walking shoes and remember as you traverse this journey, no one is an island! Sleep well and happy releases!

Day 13 VLCD Taking inventory

Hmm... doing some reflections, as I'm up .3 today... Sleep was good, the over indulgence of CD was present however, no reason to have an increase... I have pretty much narrowed it down to my epilady ritual! Every night that I have ripped the hairs out of my lovely legs, the following day I'm up just a tad and then a nice drop! So... after looking at the prep wipes that came with the shaver, I noticed some not such nice ingredients and will forever be leaving out the 'prep' wipe! It's amazing how sensitive our bodies are on HCG, and the importance of journals and tracking of activities and food choices is imperative to our success... If you haven't been doing so, start a journal on your journey. Everything is relative. Mood, activity, sleep, diet, all play a part in this journey and being able to 'look' at your past will help you plan for a successful future! I haven't had any southern movement in a few days so it's time for some 'moving tea' and hopefully that will clean out the pipes! I got quite a bit done in the house today, some beautiful bead pieces done, and am off to run a few errands! Take care and Happy releases!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Perfect Chocolate Delight for Phase 2 and beyond!

Coconut oil is delicious and if you haven't tried it yet on your journey then it's time to see if it's for you! Most people can continue to loose while indulging in this amazing life saver! Phase 2 limit of 2 tbs, Phase 3 limit of 4 tbs of this treat so don't go crazy... well, not too crazy! Many recipe's exist out there on the internet for how to make the perfect Cocoa Crack... mine is one of them, and you will find one that's perfect for you, so if you haven't started the kitchen with the mixin and tastin, you can start with this one!

Chocolate Crack
1/2 C Coconut oil
1/4 C Unsweetened cocoa powder
a dash of salt
Stevia equiv. of 3 tbs (more or less to taste)
Phase 3 can add 1 tsp agave nectar

The steps are very specific and must be followed or you may end up with a mess! In a small bowl melt your coconut oil in the microwave for about 40 seconds. In a separate cup place about 2 tbs of water, and heat in the microwave for 15 seconds. Add your stevia to the hot water, and a dash of salt (agave too for you P3's!) make sure your stevia is completely dissolved and then add to the coconut oil. Stir your small bowl's contents well with a table spoon and begin to slowly add your cocoa powder, constantly stirring till all dissolved. At this point you can add your Capella drops, taste and adjust stevia sweetness. You are now ready to pour into your molds, ice cube trays, or candy forms! Let cool completely, the freezer cuts cooling time to about 20 min... now enjoy!
During your stalls, this is a great way to get your 15 macadamia nuts in, just add them in! In later days of P3 you can have fun with coconut, nuts, peanut butter, and so many other variations! I also do a killer vanilla protein CD... I'll post that one soon, for now it's back to the kitchen... have fun and remember there are calories in your finger licks!

Chocolate covered coffee beans Phase 2

These delicious treats are easy to make, simply use your favorite CD recipe and using mini ice cube trays, (I use an eye dropper) place a few drops of CD, allow to start to set, drop in a bean, then cover with a few more drops of CD, makes a serving of about 30 a day!

Don't worry bout getting the bean in the center, it will cover, settle and taste yummy! Have fun with the many different flavors of capella and coffee beans! Enjoy

Day 12 VLCD

Much better morning. This is the reason we will often hear to not panic with the day to day and to remember the 'big' picture! Down 1.1 today! Weighing in at 166.9. I have a busy day finishing up on my blue bead piece, putting up some posts on here for my favorite treats, and making more CD coffee beans! I've thought about making less so I'm not tempted to indulge, then again, learning to resist temptation and cutting down on dishes is more important! So remember to drink your water, cook with love, and many happy releases everyone! I will check back in and report on the rest of my day.

Day 11 VLCD

What an awful morning... another cold night and sleeplessness to contend with. I weighed in this morning at a delightful increase of .1 lb... not that I'm in a panic, approaching the two week mark this is to be expected. There was no cheating however a little over indulging of the chocolate covered coffee beans last night right before bed! Tom is still here, he has taken up permanent residence and I'm negotiating a lease with him, if he lightens up on the cramping I may treat him to a hot pad every night... lol I know, as women we have to find a way to find humor in our monthly endurance. I have some running around to do, off to find the perfect findings for my beading and more nylon thread for my next piece! I'm excited, going to work up a whole batch of wine bottle covers and ornament covers, then some more crystal necklaces! Happy releases everyone!

Cottage Cheese Cheesecake!

No bake cottage cheese cheese cake can be displayed in the most beautiful ways making for a most enjoyable treat!                  1/2 C Cottage cheese
1/2 tbs lemon juice
Stevia to taste (I us a dropper full per serving)
Blend all ingredients in bullet or blender to smooth out lumps of cottage cheese. In small saucepan on the stove bring 1/8 cup of water to a boil then dissolve 1/2 tsp of gelatin in the boiling water. Add the gelatin water to the cottage cheese and blend again. Pout the mixture into serving dish(s) and chill for 2-3 hours. Top with favorite topping and enjoy!

I make 3-4 servings at a time, it keeps well in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Making a larger batch will allow you to more easily boil your water and gelatin mix. You can add capella drops to your cheesecake or toppings for fun, I made vanilla cheesecake with chocolate raspberry strawberry topping! Serve with your favorite CD and taste heaven!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 10 VLCD

Another great morning weigh in with a .8 loss! Weight today 167.9! Going to keep curry n mustard powder in ever day's meals in some way! Might have found my own personal kicker... Ingredients are out for makin my CD, and I'll whip up the Cheese cake as well... then it's off on some errands. A little sore today so we will see how it goes. Already off to a great start, and planning on a hot detox bath tonight. It's been raining for days outside, need some sunshine!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 9 VLCD Our bodies get cold!

What a great start to my day today... after a freezing cold night I woke to a .8 drop! 168.7! Loving this progress... watching the inches move around and settle in/out! Meals today were of course curry filled... I have a feeling the curry is helping in the loss since Tom is still here. So, lunch was curry mustard chicken on a heaping bed of lettuce with just a few slices of onion cooked in for flavor. Snack was strawberries with 1/2 cup of water, sliced and heated, sweetened with stevia and vanilla... Dinner was my new favorite sauteed radishes in curry n mustard powder, stevia, garlic, and onion to taste, laid upon a bed of lettuce! Just finished my sliced apple with sprinkles of cinnamon and stevia, warmed to perfection imitating a warm baked apple pie! It's been a long day of laundry, cleaning and closet organizing... tomorrow I will be making P2 Cheesecake and posting the recipe of course, also thinking of trying a couple of other things... also need to top off the CD stash, she's runnin low again! Sweet dreams and happy releases!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Phase 2 Melba Toast

The dough is thick and using a fork to spread it will allow you to get a nice 1/8 inch thickness consistency for your toast!

Melba toast with toffee Capella (peanut butter is great too!) n stevia for flavoring. Using 1cup all natural whole red wheat flour and 3/4 c water I made the dough, yes rather thick however this will help you in spreading it out. I add the stevia and Capella to a tbs of water added once the dough has been mixed. Using a fork, spread the dough on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, covering the entire cookie sheet with dough. Once this is accomplished, pop the dough in the oven at 385 for 20 min. Remove and flip the dough sheet  over on the parchment paper, grab the pizza cutter and make yourself  little squares of heavenly toast! Return the toast pieces to the oven to reach desired 'crunch' I like mine a tad bit chewey... like a jerky. I make about 80 little bites which allows me to enjoy 8 a day at 6 calories a piece! Have fun with the flavors and enjoy...

Day 8 VLCD

Early rise today, I have a doctors appointment, and a fasting blood draw, ugh... Weigh in is 169.5, not too surprised at the small number since I did have an extra piece of coconut oil chocolate, commonly known as CD. I also enjoyed a tsp of peanut butter! For those that know me well, I have a love of Adams all natural and when Tom is in town it's nearly unbearable! After my appointment it's a run to Costco, love the lettuce and apples there. Sadly the drive home was nearly 4pm and I still needed to stop for coconut oil and radishes! Ripping open the bag holding three glorious heads of lettuce I began to feed. Once home I whipped up a bed of lettuce, topped with a portion of cottage cheese (from skim milk) and sliced strawberries on top... simply delightful way to fill my self of loving losses. This is when I once again am reminded of the need to always prepare for the next day with a back up of chicken. I had none ready to eat nor to cook, merely four breasts ready to be trimmed and weighed. Hunger won out with time on it's side and I went with the cottage cheese... now I will have to wait another week for the cheesecake. The breasts are weighed and cooked and second meal of the night enjoyed at a little after 9, leaving plenty of time to blog and relax before my bath, then off to read a new book and dream of tomorrow! I learned today that a dear friend will be joining me on this journey next week so I will be doing a catered lunch, so many wonderful choices for the menu... suggestions? Sweet dreams and happy releases!